As I pray my examen (http://tinyurl.com/br5vu8e) tonight there are several places I have seen God's presence:
1) Eva (pictured on the right), my cousin Carmen's baby. She made me smile a lot. She was a calming presence.
2) The long conversation I had with my mami tonight about life and love.
3) My cousin, Carlos, who came to visit from New Jersey. It's been nice to have a family member here who is a doctor. Not only has he provided us with good advice but also a lot of great laughs. I love being around him!
Please continue praying for all of us. I know this is exhausting for my mom - physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is also difficult on our family. This is going to be a long process of healing. Prayers are really appreciated.
So glad to hear the progress mami's making. Thanks for sharing the St Ignatius link, too. Gonna try to spend some more time with it myself.
Love you guys.
Sending up a prayer to our Blessed Mother for the continued recovery of your Mami. May Our Heavenly Great Physician touch her body and take away her illness.
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