
Showing posts from April, 2011

April 3rd, 2011: A Letter from My Mom Thanking You for Your Prayers

Dear Friends and Family: I just want to take a minute to thank you for your prayers and support given the journey that we have gone through in birthing Sofia Rose. Prayers were asked and on Friday April 1st, 2011 we witnessed an epiphany. Sofia Rose Shawver Chinea was born vaginally at 6:49 PM in Albuquerque, Mountain Standard Time, her weight was 5 pounds 15.2 ounces, 19.75 inches, Apgar 8-9; she even latched on immediately to the breast. Sofia was delivered to Michael and Rosie. It has truly been a manifestation of God's love to us via Sofia's Life. Truly Sofia Rose is a gift from the Lord to all of us. Thank you Lord for again being a witness of love. We had an AHA moment in the delivery. Rosie fainted and loss consciousness due to the loss of too much blood in her fast delivery of 40 minutes...her blood pressure came down very low and we became a witness of an emergency and my adrenaline spiking off of the roof...We reacted very well and I can truly say... that I