
Showing posts from March, 2013

March 31st, 2013: Easter

Alleluia, He is Risen!  How often in our lives do we recognize the risen Lord?  For most of us, when we are in the midst of struggle, we don't know when the resurrection is going to occur.  Imagine what the disciples of Jesus felt when they saw that Jesus was laid in the tomb.  Even though Jesus had told them several times that he was going to rise in three days, they did not fully comprehend what that meant.  They didn't know that Jesus was going to conquer death and sin.  They didn't know that the resurrection was going to occur in three days.  Only after the fact did the disciples begin to understand the notion of Jesus' resurrection.  But even then, some disciples, doubting Thomas, didn't fully grasp what the resurrection meant.  What our faith calls us to do is to trust that God will help the resurrections in our lives come to fruition - no matter how long it takes.   How do you rejoice that Jesus has risen?  What does it mean that Jesus has risen?  How hav

March 27th, 2013: Joy

Today's visit with my mami was the best visit I have had with her since the onset of her GBS.  I did not leave her side all day, except for about 2 hours while she slept and I played cards with the rest of my family. As I reflect upon my day with her I cannot pinpoint exactly why I am so joyful.  Perhaps its because being home has a better feeling than going into a hospital?  Or maybe its the comfort of not having to follow any hospital rules?  And Sofia being able to run around my mami like everything is back to normal?  Perhaps its the fact that I saw my mom get in and out of bed easier without much help?  Or maybe its just because this is the first day off of work that I have had in 10 days and I was able to be fully present to her without distractions?     The source of joy I know is God.  I know that God has given my mami the strength to recover rather quickly.  Today I walked with my mami, she was assisted by a walker, for about 10 minutes in front of her house.  She

March 24th, 2013: God's Time

This entry is going to be disjointed.  My thoughts and prayers have yet to coalesce into something deeply insightful.  Luckily, "God writes straight with crooked lines".   Yesterday at about 6:30pm I got back from a Spring Break trip with 6 students from the USC Caruso Catholic Center to Appalachia; specifically we went to Vanceburg, Kentucky and volunteered with Glenmary Farms ( ).  The trip was very prayer-filled.  I learned a lot about the area, culture, and people.  For example, in Lewis County, less than 1% of all people are Catholic.  When we went to Sunday mass, last week, there were probably about 20 people present, including us.  35% of people in Lewis County are unemployed.  The national average for unemployment is about 15%.  Since there is no work, the community is an aging community.  Music, specifically country music, and family, tend to be the heart and soul of the people in Vanceburg.  I'll reflect more on this experience in

March 14th, 2013: Habemus Papam

This week for me has been full of ups and downs.  After prayer, and going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the Catholic Center, I have come to the conclusion, one again, that I am too hard on myself.  I cannot be everything to everyone, including my mami, papi, husband and daughter.  I can only be who I am and try my best to be as present as possible to them in the moment.  This is hard to grapple with because I want to be exactly what they need, right when they need it.  Again, all I can do is be me and allow God to do the rest.  The priest I went to confession told me that sometimes "to do" something isn't necessarily what is needed, sometimes what you must do is "let it go" and allow it to be.  Funny how "letting go" is a reoccurring theme in my life.  This week has also taught me that I am in serious need of finding a spiritual director.  I have asked a Sister if she can walk with me on my journey towards holiness.  I am awaiting her answer.  

March 8th, 2013: Stations of the Cross

Since Mike, Sofia & I were not going up to Oxnard tonight to visit with my parents I decided that I would stay at work a little bit later so that I could participate in the Stations of the Cross with the students at the USC Caruso Catholic Center.  I was taken aback by how much I was moved by the Stations tonight.  Two Stations struck me hard.  I don't think the students noticed, but I was crying.  I think the Triduum at the Catholic Center is going to have a new level of depth for me this year for two reasons:  my mami and my daughter, Sofia. Jesus meets his mother, station 4.  The Stations at the Catholic Center are painted by Peter Adams.  The art is stunning.  The way that Mr. Adams uses light and colors helps me pray and reflect in a new way.  As we reflected on the Fourth Station I could not help but think about how I have been comforting my own mother as she struggles with GBS and how grateful I am that she has comforted me in the past through heartbreaks, injuries,

March 6th, 2013: Exhausted But Grateful

The last 48 hours for me have been exhausting.  Although I am tired I am also grateful.  Ministry has been super busy.  Tomorrow night we elect and appoint the new leaders for the 2013-2014 academic year.  For these elections and appointments to take place tomorrow, Anthony, the other campus minister, and myself, need to meet with each applicant individually.  There are about 40 student leadership positions at the USC Caruso Catholic Center.  Beyond the scheduled meetings there are also students in the midst of discernment for leadership who have not 'officially' applied and are in need of an meeting.  Then there are the regular, normal activities, such as RCIA, planning for two spring break projects (one to New Orleans the other to the Appalachian Mountains), a silent retreat that's coming up in April, the bulletin, the weekly email...and on and on.  I am not complaining.  I love every aspect of this ministry, especially meeting with students one on one, listening to their

March 4th, 2013: Short Update

Today was a big day for my mami!  At 12:30pm my papi arranged for my mami to see her dog, Paco!  It's sort of nuts to think about Paco, this huge, horse like, Bearnaise Mountain Dog, that weights as much as me, going to a rehabilitation facility.  But Paco made it.  He visted my mami in the healing garden on the ground level of the facility.  While I was not present at this reunion, I know that they both rejoiced in one another's presence. Later today my mami passed her swallowing test!  This means that she no longer has her feeding tube!  My mami's first meal was mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken, spinach, dessert, juice and water.  I hope she got her froyo!  Whether she did or not, I am going to bring her froyo on Wednesday.  Conveniently, Yogurtland is right next to the rehabilitation facility!  I am looking forward to seeing my mami without any tubes stuck to her face.  I am re-listening to Fr. Greg Boyle's CD from LA Congress.  The layers of wisdom during h

March 3rd, 2013: Grateful

I am sitting at my computer at home, after a good long day of ministry, drinking a glass of moscato white wine.  In a good way, exhaustion overtakes my body.  It's amazing how much I love my job.  When I was interviewing for this position last year I remember telling Fr. Lawrence and Anthony, that I am my most authentic self when I am ministering to college students.  I knew that statement was true -  but I am amazed at how much God is challenging me to grow to become an even better version of myself through my interactions with all of these students.  My level of prayer and reflection is deeper and my daily mass attendance has even increased.  The sense of community that exists at the Catholic Center is so very reminiscent of the Catholic Community at UCSD, even though the communities are very different.  I cannot describe the gratitude I feel that God has given me this opportunity to minister at the USC Caruso Catholic Center.  I can only hope that God is using me to the best of