
Showing posts from April, 2013

April 20th, 2013: Prayer for Humanity

Even though, from what I am reading online, those in Boston can sleep a little better because the two Tsarnaev boys have been caught, a great sadness envelops me.  I am purposely using the word boys because they were young men who still had a lot to learn in life.  They were young men who needed guidance and the hands of their community to grow into mature men in our society.  From what I have read, their family is in poverty, struggles with being immigrants in the US, and both boys lack guidance academically and professionally.  We also have to remember that while these boys have been connected to the bombings thus far, an investigation remains open.  We have to remember our system, innocent until proven guilty.  They are people, creations of God, and we must love them as such, even though their alleged actions are heinous. How often in our own communities do we neglect to guide and journey with those on the margins?  If we were more outwardly neighbors to young men and women in pover

April 10th, 2013: Steadily Improving

Bless me friends, for I have not written a blog in 10 days.  Friends, forgive me.  Life has been really busy.  Holy week, Easter, Mike's parent's visiting from Ohio, planning a trip to Albuquerque for next month and El Salvador in August, amongst other work and family responsibilities. Today, Sofia and I went to Oxnard to visit my mami.  As you can tell from the picture above she is doing a lot better.  The two major improvements I have seen over the past week are that 1) she is not getting as tired as quickly and 2) her vision is almost completely back to normal - she only has double vision in her left eye, when she looks to the far left.  Today, the entire time I was in Oxnard, I did not see my mami lay down in her bed.  She was either sitting, standing, or walking.  Her physical strength is definitely returning.   Earlier this week one of my mami's doctors told her that she will fully recover!  This has brought a lot of peace into my families heart.  We know full