Alleluia, He is Risen! How often in our lives do we recognize the risen Lord? For most of us, when we are in the midst of struggle, we don't know when the resurrection is going to occur. Imagine what the disciples of Jesus felt when they saw that Jesus was laid in the tomb. Even though Jesus had told them several times that he was going to rise in three days, they did not fully comprehend what that meant. They didn't know that Jesus was going to conquer death and sin. They didn't know that the resurrection was going to occur in three days. Only after the fact did the disciples begin to understand the notion of Jesus' resurrection. But even then, some disciples, doubting Thomas, didn't fully grasp what the resurrection meant. What our faith calls us to do is to trust that God will help the resurrections in our lives come to fruition - no matter how long it takes.

How do you rejoice that Jesus has risen? What does it mean that Jesus has risen? How have you seen the risen Christ in your life? This Easter season these are questions that are good to ponder.
I know that in my life right now I am living the resurrection. I am married to a man I deeply love, have an amazing daughter - one that I always dreamed of, I love my job - every bit of it, have a community at USC that is challenging me to grow closer to Christ, have friends that are supportive yet know how to nudge me to grow, and have a family that always exceed my expectations of love for me. What's ironic is that I know that none of the things that I mention above are perfect. There is a difference between perfection and living and rejoicing in the resurrection. And, naturally, there are other dreams I have in my life such as traveling the world, doing missionary work, participating in a sprint triathlon and perhaps getting a PhD. But, while I don't know what will happen in my future, I don't wait in angst, like I have in my past - especially in my dating life. I am rejoicing in the resurrection in my life, right now, by sharing the love of Christ, primarily through presence with others, so that hopefully they feel the love of God in their own lives and realize that God's love is enough.

If I look at my mami's journey with GBS I see glimpses of the resurrection. I think she is still in "holy waiting", sitting in her Holy Saturday. She has greatly improved. She now has graduated from home health care and has now been assigned to outpatient physical and occupational therapy. She is both moving and talking better. She still gets sleepy very easily, does not have her full strength back, her voice is not fully back to normal, and she is still in a lot of pain as her nerves wake up. My mami is still waiting for Easter day. The grace that I see in my mami is the patience and love that she has shown me as she waits for the full health of her body. She is patiently waiting the resurrection. She is full of faith and love. These are things I hope I can do when I face future tribulation. My mami has taught me glimpses of how to bare tough crosses through long periods of time, awaiting the resurrection.
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