Our story was written in our wedding program and on http://chineaandshawverbaby.ourbabychannel.com/. Here is how it was written:
We would like to thank God for bringing us together almost three and a half years ago on June 5th, 2008. We truly believe that God was preparing us for each other. We believe that through God we found our life companion and true love in one another. Many of you know our story...but for those of you who don't...here it is:
In early 2008 we both independently signed up for a summer trip sponsored by Maryknoll to Peru & Bolivia with other campus ministers from all over the country. Rosie was the director of campus ministry at the Newman Center in Albuquerque, NM and Mike was a campus minister at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. Rosie sent an email to the group and asked if any of us wanted to extend the trip for some personal vacation before we met up with the rest of the group. Mike gladly signed up along with another young woman named Becky.
In the midst of planning our vacation to Iguazu Falls in Argentina, we (Rosie & Mike), started emailing each other and found out that we had a lot in common – graduate degrees in Theology from Jesuit Universities, passion for social justice & service, strong Catholic faiths, love of travel & running, etc., etc., etc.
We started talking on the phone and had many 3 and 4 hour phone conversations. We agreed to meet up early before joining Becky on our way to Argentina. We laid a very solid foundation in the month of emails & phone conversations, so when we met, it was love at first sight!! One funny thing about this..prior to Mike coming to Albuquerque, Rosie mentioed to him that she generally was only attracted to Latinos and she didn't like facial hair. Mike had facial hair for over five years. Upon hearing that Rosie was not generally attaracted to non-Latinos and did not like facial hair, he changed what he could...he shaved.
We had a few days in Albuquerque then Miami, FL and finally Argentina. After going to Peru & Bolivia with the group, our first date of 35 days came to an end. By that time, we were totally in love and we decided that Mike would move to Albuquerque in August of 2008. We got engaged to be married on February 4, 2009.
This past year may be one of the most exciting in our lives, as we got married on June 5, 2010 and now are a little more than half way through our first pregnancy with Sofia Rose, who is expected to be born on April 18, 2011 (actual birth date, April 1, 2011). We like the name Sofia beacuse it means wisdom and is one of the names in the Bible that refers to the Holy Spirit. We like the middle name Rose because both of Rosie's grandmothers were named Rosa, Rosie's aunt was named Rose, and Mike's grandmother is named Rose.
We are just in awe at the gift of God's creation of a little life inside of Rosie as a result of our love for each other. It is so amazing how Rosie's body has naturally been adapting to make room for this little baby. We saw our first ultrasound image of Sofia at 12 weeks and the next one was at 21 weeks (early December). It is just so amazing to hear her little heart beat (151 beats per minute), to see her organs, and her head and hands and feet. We are very excited for her delivery into this world.
It has been a wonderful year, full of many blessings, and graces. We are truly looking forward to the marvelous plan God has laid out for us. Please pray for us and the arrival of our new baby girl, Sofia Rose, later this year.
1 comment:
Such a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.
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