One of the main themes I gathered from the book and Fr. Boyle's presentation is one that we learned in kindergarten, never judge a book by it's cover. There is always a story behind how and why someone ends up where they end up. And just because someones history is spotty, from our standards, God loves them and they still have a chance for success. To fully appreciate God we must allow ourselves to open our eyes and hearts to everyone, including those who have tattoos and dress like a homey. We must not feel pity for people rather we must be in kinship. When Jesus walked into a room full of people he usually went to the outcasts and sat with them. He ate with them. He didn't act superior to them. Rather, he was one of them...he, himself, was shunned, on the outskirts of society, and seen as different. Jesus was in kinship with the most vulnerable in his time. This is what Fr. Boyle describes, how we must all move towards kinship with those who are most vulnerable in our time. I don't think Fr. Boyle's intention is for all of his readers to work and be with people in gangs; I think Fr. Boyle's intention is much more broad, "Do the thing that is in front of you," spoken by Mother Theresa. This is what I believe is what Fr. Boyle is attempting to get his readers to understand, be in kinship with the most vulnerable in your neighborhoods, cities, and towns. In Albuquerque, in my opinion, the most vulnerable are children - due to the high poverty levels and poor education system we have in the state of New Mexico, immigrants and refugees, people who are homeless, and the incarcerated. We must open our eyes and our hearts to those in front of us. We cannot continue to hide behind our white picket fences and only pray that God will change the unjust structures in our societies; prayer and action are two components of faith that are intertwined so tightly that to have one and not the other will not challenge us to become fully whom Christ created us to become. Kinship, knowing the other, being in solidarity with the other, so that the word "other" one day does not exist, this is what Fr. Boyle and Jesus both challenge us to do.

I know that the message of this blog is quite simplistic, and some might think trite, yet, I think that we can use the reminder to not judge people, the homeless, gang members, people of different ethnicities, different sexual preferences, etc., and allow God who is within them and whom loves them without boundaries to shine through. We must be vessels of compassion always to everyone. This will allow us to grow closer to Christ. Also it will allow those whom we are showing compassion to, to see and feel Christ. We must also remember it's not about superiority its about kinship. And who knows where kinship and love might take you; you might be the first person to show those living on the margins that they are loved by God. Or, rather, you might recognize the deep love that God has for you.
Beautiful message. I'll have to check out that book.
Dear Rosie:
Wow... I love the way you presented. I feel; this is also a reflection of how I have tried to live my life. Looking at people for what and who they are and accepting and providing compassion in their lives. In Puerto Rico there is a Sister by the name of Sister Isolina Ferre that won the peace award in under President Carter presidency that did this type of work in Playa de Ponce where she created a town of service and accepted people for what they are and taught them that GOD Loves them for who they are.... Sr Isolina Ferre has been an inspiration for me as well as Fr Boyle has been another person that really inspired me....
Thanks for sharing your thoughts KUDOS to you and Mike for standind out for people that are in need. May God continue blessing you both and guiding you.
Love you!
God Bless!
Loved the post, thanks for the encouragement. I'd like to recommend a freind's place in Orange County, CA - he does a lot of community work for tattoo removal and is a great guy. www.tat2begone.com He is a godly man who really cares about helping people, and I'd love to recommend his services to everyone.
Beautifully said....
Have you read Gregory Maguire's book from which the musical was based? If you thought the musical was amazing, the book is a must-read.
Thanks for the review of the other book. I put it on my list.
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