This last week I found out about three engagements! This summer, not including the three engagements, my cousin is getting married, a good family friend is getting married, and four former students (2 other weddings) I worked with are getting married! Weddings, for me, if the couple has discerned their relationship thoughtfully and prayerfully, are one of the most exciting and grace-filled moments one can experience in their lifetime.
Honestly, I feel so blessed to have married Mike. He and I both dated some great people in our past...but none of them had everything that God had envisioned for us. There was always something within those relationships that left us both wanting more; something within us that was left untapped. We had to be patient and set aside our time lines to allow God to work within our lives. When we met in person, after a month of long emails and 2-3 hour phone conversations, we both knew that God had helped us to build a solid foundation for a deep faith-filled relationship. Our wedding day was a solidification of God's plan for our future. And the amazing part for me was that I felt God's presence that entire weekend very strongly, whether it was through the prayers stated at the wedding ceremony itself, my friends, family, or Mike. The wedding was simple; it focused on God, one another, our family and friends. In a consumerist society where a wedding day is not necessarily about God, I found myself at my wedding thinking about God constantly.
I hope and pray that the marriages that I will witness this summer will be as grace-filled as ours. Finding the person whom God created for you is a blessing. For those of you who feel called to married life but have not found the right person, yet, don't loose hope. God would not place that deep desire, vocation, in your heart, without someone in mind for you. You just need to be patient and wait for God's timing. I honestly can say I grew impatient at points in my life, waiting for God to introduce me to Mike, almost to the point of growing jaded. I always thought, well I have a MDiv, I am seeped in my faith and my family, there is no way in this world I am going to find my match...I'll have to settle for someone who is not as thrilled about their faith, or someone who cannot have a theological conversation with me, or someone who is not as passionate about social justice as myself. I thought that my standards were too high. But I am thrilled I waited for God to place the right person in my life at the right time. Nothing is impossible for God. Let us close this blog entry with a blessing for engaged couples, especially for the seven engaged couples I know, from the Catholic book of blessings.
"Lord God, the source of all love, the wise plan of your providence has brought these young people together. As they prepare themselves for the sacrament of marriage and pray for your grace, grant that, strengthened by your blessing, they may grow in their respect for one another and cherish each other with a sincere love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."
Great entry! How wonderful that you found one another!
Dear Rosie:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts again. I love what you wrote. Im so glad that you both found each other. It is a blessing!
May the Lord guide the couples through their journey and they be witness of their LOVE for each other and the Lord's. May their wedding be a Celebration of their Love for them and their Church!
Love you!
Love, this is an outstanding entry about how God brought us together and deepened our love for each other in the culmination of our wedding day, sealing our life commitment to each other. I am so happy to be married to you and look forward to deepening that love with each passing day & year. I love you always!!! Mike
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