The last few weeks have been life changing. On Thursday, March 10th, I received a phone call from a doctor asking for me and my husband to go Lovelace Woman's Hospital for a follow up appointment (following up on an appointment I had on Tues. March 8th) as soon as possible. Because my fluid levels in the amniotic sac have been consistently in the normal-low range they wanted to do another follow up ultrasound. The day I received the phone call I was thrown for a loop. Just two days before my midwife had told me not to worry. She said the fluid was in the normal-low range but that we would just wait things out. I was in a total panic when I received the phone call. I felt a rush of anxiety and stress. I cried and I apologized to Sofia for not producing what she needed. What I do naturally in a time of distress is turn to God, I went to mass with my husband. We prayed. We asked God to watch over our little Sofia. After mass I felt somewhat relieved. At that moment I knew I needed to just trust God. I had done all that I could do. I watched what I ate, I have been drinking about 10-14 liters of water a day, I am walking every day...and the list goes on. The day after I received that jarring phone call from the doctor at Lovelace Woman's Hospital, my midwife called to reassure me that this was for mere monitoring purposes.
The following week I went in for my appointment at Lovelace Woman's Hospital. The water level was again in the normal-low range. The reason there is concern about the water level being so low is because towards the end of pregnancy the water level in the sac does lower due to her growing. The fluid level (AFI) is measured with ultrasounds. Attempting to not be naive, I have been doing some reading and I have come to learn there is some controversy as to if ultrasounds are the "best" way to check the fluids...but at this point...it's the only way to check the fluids. One of the other major arguments against this method of measuring the water fluids is that we have had about 5 different technicians look at the fluid levels on different machines. One technician read that we had a significantly higher fluid level than the other four. There is human error and variance, especially if there is more than one technician. Anyway, besides the fluid level being in the normal-low range, our little Sofia is measuring a little bit small (but not dangerously so). Again, the measurements are not 100% accurate. Ultrasounds are good technology but when our little Sofia is curled up in a ball, how truly accurate can they weigh her in utero? Anyway, due to the water level being low and her lower than average birth weight, the doctors have concluded that there could be a potential placenta issue. The placenta is the lifeline for Sofia from me. If Sofia stays in me and the water levels get too low then her lifeline will not work effectively and she may not receive the oxygen or food that she needs. That being said, to err on the safe side, Mike and I have decided to agree with the doctors and midwives and we will be induced on Wednesday, March 30th, week 37.
We also have had 2 non-stress tests done (monitoring her heart beat externally for 20 minutes) and she passed those with flying colors. Also when they look at her movements on the ultrasound she is moving a lot and she passes those exams with perfect scores. All of her organs look great. Sofia overall is doing fine. I just ask for your prayers as Mike and I make the final preparations for her arrival into this world. Please pray for a good labor and delivery and a healthy baby Sofia.
Yesterday I was driving on the freeway. In front of me was a huge pile of big white boxes on the ground taking up the whole lane I was driving in. It seemed as if a truck had accidently dropped them on the freeway, creating a hazard on the freeway. I didn't know what to do. There was a car behind me at the distance of about 5 car lengths away. There was a car to my left and my right. I could not swerve. I pushed the brake. I took my foot off of the brake. I pushed the brake again. I did this oscillation of the brake to signal to the car behind me that there was something in front of me. The car to my right finally passed me. I swerved to the right and hit the boxes with the front left side of my car. Nothing happened. I was safe. The car did not have a scratch on it when I got off of the freeway. God was watching over Sofia and myself. This is what I need to hold on to...God is watching over and protecting us through the bumps on the road. God will help Mike and I prepare to become the parents Sofia needs, even three weeks earlier than her anticipated due date. God will be with us when I am in labor. God will be with Sofia as she comes out into the world and as she grows and learns throughout the years. God loves us so much that God is continuously watching, loving, and caring for all of us.
1 comment:
My daughter was induced at 37 weeks as well, although for a different reason. I had a very small placenta and she wasn't getting the nutrients she needed so we had to get her out ASAP, especially since she hadn't grown at all in a week. She was only 5lb 1.4oz when she was born, but she was healthy and happy and did not have to be in the NICU.
I will pray for you and your little Sofia, I know how scary it is to be told something is going wrong.
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